Exercise Physiology

Exercise Physiology can help you to recover from injury, return to exercise after prolonged inactivity and allows you to exercise in a controlled manner if you suffer with a chronic condition.

A Path to Optimal Wellness

Exercise Physiology is a crucial component of maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. By understanding the way the body responds to physical activity and exercise, individuals can tailor their workouts to their specific needs and goals.

Whether you’re looking to lose weight, build muscle, or simply improve your overall health and wellness , exercise physiology provides a scientific framework for achieving your fitness objectives, incorporating the latest research and best practices in exercise prescription and reaching maximum results.

Maximise Your Body Potential

Better Health Outcomes

Exercise Physiology helps you to recover from injury, return to physical activity after prolonged in activity and allow you exercise in a controlled manner if you suffer with a chronic condition.

Physical Performance

Optimising your workouts can help you to achieve your fitness or sporting goals through tailored exercise prescription and training principles.

Injury Prevention

By understanding the body’s response to exercise, individuals can reduce the risk of injury and optimise their workouts for maximum results and minimal harm.

Knowledgeable Practitioners

Our practitioners at Maroondah Osteopathy and Sportscare are highly trained healthcare professionals who use their knowledge of the human body to tailor treatments to the specific needs of each individual patient. If you’re looking for a natural and effective way to improve your health and well-being, exercise physiology may be the right choice for you.

Our Practitioners are registered with Australian Massage Association, Myotherapy Australian Association and many health funds provide rebates for this service.

Our Practitioners are registered with Australian Massage Association, Myotherapy Australian Association and many health funds provide rebates for this service.