Remedial Massage Ringwood North

How Often Should I Get A Massage?

A common question in the massage world is how often should I be getting a massage? The truth is, it’s different for everyone. More acute presentations may call for weekly treatments, whereas maintenance massage might be monthly. Let's break down each and determine how often you should be coming.

Let’s start with acute injuries – This includes throwing your back out, rolling an ankle or getting a kink in your neck. The kind of nasty tweaks that take your breath away and can turn into a chronic, long term issue if left untreated so it is really important to seek treatment within 24-48 hours after injury. That said, since the injury is still fresh and raw, healing will take some time. Sometimes, it just needs a little extra support to fully recover. That’s why we recommend scheduling a follow-up massage within 5-7 days. This gives your body time to settle, allowing the massage to provide relief without aggravating the injury, but also ensures we can address it before the pain flares back up. We aim to increase the time between treatments after each massage, however it does depend on the severity of the injury so weekly appointments are strongly suggested until symptoms subside. This may take up to 4 to 6 weeks.


Now, let’s talk about chronic conditions. These include ongoing pain from things like sitting at a desk all day, chronic headaches, or other diagnosed conditions that cause persistent discomfort. The severity of these conditions can vary, and so can the level of pain you experience. If you’re someone who is constantly in a flare-up or finds your pain triggered easily, regular massage sessions – whether weekly or bi-weekly – can make a real difference. Not only does it provide physical relief, but it also offers mental benefits. It gives you a chance to truly relax, ease your mind, and find some peace amidst the discomfort. Chronic conditions don’t just affect the body; they also take a mental toll, and taking time for self-care is crucial. We also value your input throughout the process. We always check in with how you’re feeling before each treatment. If you’ve been eagerly anticipating your next session or if you feel you could’ve managed for a bit longer, we want to know. Everyone’s body is different, so we tailor our approach to fit your unique needs and condition.



Maintenance massage – A weekly, fortnightly, or monthly massage to flush out any aches and pains that have been bothering you. These massages don’t require a specific injury or problem area—they can simply be for general upkeep. A regular full-body flush to keep things feeling balanced and settled.


It’s a great way to reset, clear your mind, and relieve tension all over. While a full-body massage is always an option, we can also focus on the areas you feel need it most. This type of massage is for everyone—no need for a particular reason, just simple self-care that can make a real difference. You can come as often as you like, but monthly is a great place to start. The key is consistency—maintenance means keeping your body in good condition, not just an occasional treat. It’s ongoing care to help everything stay in tune.


With all this being said we can only help you so much in the short 45 minutes to an hour that we treat you. It’s super important to listen to advice and take on board exercises and stretches that you’ve been given. They seem annoying and a lot like homework but they make so much difference in the long run! Improving physically is really in your hands, we can do our best to get you so far but it is you that will make the most difference.


At the end of the day, how often you get a massage depends on your body, your lifestyle, and your needs. Whether you’re recovering from an injury, managing chronic pain, or simply maintaining your overall well-being, consistency is key. Massage can provide relief, relaxation, and long-term benefits, but it works best when combined with the right self-care practices.


Remember, we’re here to support you during your sessions, but real progress happens in between. Taking the time to follow any recommended exercises and stretches will make a huge difference in your recovery and overall well-being. Think of massage as just one piece of the puzzle—your commitment to movement, mobility, and self-care is what truly keeps your body feeling its best.


So, listen to what your body is telling you, and let’s work together to keep you moving, feeling good, and living pain-free.

Picture of Kate Mikulandra

Kate Mikulandra

Remedial Massage Therapist

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