Massage For Teens

Upkeep of the body is important for all ages but I’d like to put some emphasis on teens, especially those who are taking the sporting field every weekend or those studying hard for high school exams. Taking care of your body at a younger age enforces better habits for the future but also provides longevity in your body’s ability. It’s so important to have a well-functioning body so we can have a clear mind to kick goals and pass exams with ease!


Regular massage enables teens to take a more proactive response to aches and pains rather than seeking assistance when the condition is at its worst. That’s why massage for maintenance is such a good habit to expose our teens to. It allows them to express their concerns about any lingering injuries regularly, it also makes them more aware of what their bodies need so they can provide them with the care they need.


Remedial Massage Therapists can give your teen good advice about warm-ups, cool-downs and homecare to aid their bodies in recovery or preparation for big events. During a session, we can show you specific stretches, self-massage techniques, foam rolling and spikey balling techniques to use before a sporting event, before a big day at school or when you experience general discomfort on a day-to-day basis.


Here at Maroondah Osteo & Sportscare, we have a great program for active teens who are looking to gain strength in their elected sport or burn off some energy in our teen gym classes with our exercise physiologists. These sessions can work your muscles hard so it might be wise to pair it with a massage session to keep those muscles healthy and strong!


It is known that experiencing pain anywhere in your body also has an effect on your mind and how it functions. This can greatly affect exam results, sports performance and attitude towards life. Harvard Medical School did a study titled “The Psychology of Low Back Pain” and stated that when “your physical movement is limited, this can cause psychological distress, and the psychological distress can, in return worsen the pain.” Therefore impacting performance and clarity of the mind. This is why it’s so important to respond to your pain as soon as possible so we can keep our minds sharp.


The psychology of low back pain (2016) Harvard Health. Available at: (Accessed: 25 April 2024).

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